Botanical Garden


It seemed to have jumped in the way of noite' '. It goes down in the wrong point. It enters in the Botanical Garden, Ana dives there in closest of its being; this is the ideal place for the solitude and the introspection? paradise -, the perfection is symbolized by the circular elements: To its redor … in the central alley had calm noises was immovable a powerful cat … looked in lathe …

In the trees the fruits was black, candies as honey. It had in the soil caroos full dry of circumvolutions, as small apodrecidos brains (LISPECTOR, 1998, P. 24, 25). The paradisiacal vision arrives at the fusing life/death, as it shows Lispector (1998)? ' ' The crudity of the world was calm. The murder was deep and the life was not what pensvamos' '. In this point the fusing of the contrary is transparent: it repulses/delivery; mourning/allure; pregnancy/abandonment; pretty garden/fear of the hell.

Leaving the crisis where if it found, the delirium of Ana brusquely is cut by the souvenir of the children and the supper that would make where, as it presents Lispector (1998) from these evidenced excerpts, ' ' they had come the brothers and its women, had come the children of irmos' '. From this return the house (home), the supper gets success, is born new Ana (more conscientious, with perception of the ready world and to live the choice that made of more entire form) e, for love, ' ' … as to a butterfly, Ana arrested the instant enters the fingers before it never more was seu' ' e, before if lying down, lead for the husband ' ' … as if erased a candle, blew the small flame of dia' '. From then on, it returns to its presumption interior balance, but probably, exactly that subtle, it will conserve the contamination of the transcendentes moments.