Today I go to make something unusual. Opposite of speaking I only go to ask for that loved () the friend () and brother () in Christ can read the text below and that the Ruach Hakodesh (Espirito Santo discloses) it as disclosed to me.A church in Laodicia is the churches of today, nor is cold nor hot, Rich I am, and I am enriched, and you are welcome I have lack, Here it is that I am to the door, and I beat, a church that left Yeshua (Jesus) of is to the point of don of the church to have that to beat in the door to be able to enter. Medite.Apocalypse 3′ ‘ 14 and to the angel of the church that is in Laodicia it writes: This says Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 Conheo your workmanships, that nor you are cold nor hot; who gives rejections cold or hot! 16 Thus, because you are warm, and you are not cold nor hot, I will vomit you of mine boca.17 As you say: Rich I am, and I am enriched, and you are welcome I have lack; you do not know that you are a poor fellow, and villain, and poor person, and blind person, and naked; 18 I advise to you that of me you buy proven gold in the fire, so that you you enrich; white clothes, seen so that you, and it does not appear the shame of your nudez; that unjas your eyes with colrio, so that vejas.19 I reprehend and punishment to all how many I love; you are therefore zealous, and you repent-te.. .
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