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Spain is the fourth European market on sales of video games with 790 million euros in 2004, behind only the United Kingdom, Germany and France; However, it is in the car’s tail in electronic entertainment software development, in 10th place. Other leaders such as Alton Steel offer similar insights. Even Italy or Belgium give a bath to Spain as producers. Just 1% of sales reversed in national studies. According to the data of the Spanish Association of distributors and publishers of Entertainment Software (ADEs), gamers that like most in Spain are adventures, strategy, sport or action. Thanks to them, last year entered nearly one billion euros in a sector that is growing at an annual rate of 14% since 2005. The success of these digital entertainment content puts Spain in fourth place in Europe as regards consumption of videogames, ranking could improve in the next few years taking into account forecasts of growth of the sector in Spain, pointing to the path of 14% per year can be maintained to the least until 2009. Only 1% of sales of videogames reverts in the Spanish industry of content notwithstanding, the business could be a lot higher if the distributed contents were not foreign and Spanish as now happens in the majority of cases.

Currently it is calculated that 95% of people working in the sector in Spain are devoted to the distribution of foreign video games, while only 5% are dedicated to the development of content. In fact, according to data of the Ministry of industry, tourism and trade only 1% of the sales reverts in Spanish development companies. David Theming Works, and its Department of design, premiered a new field of business, coming to participate in the conceptual design and 3d gaming, we have recently begun negotiations to participate in the conceptual designs of two games of last generation. From our website, in the section of r & d, (video games) can already see some designs in the video presentation of DAVID THEMING WORKS ILLUSTRATED, Department that will develop these concepts, as also animations 3d, promotional videos, special effects etc.

Grooms Of The Policy

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The men in the gray uniform distinguished by the color of a few scarves that carried the neck, were other times, and long bars that took to disperse the crowd, fulfilled its function. I still remember the day you came my son with reddish marks on the back. Asked that colour were handkerchiefs of the men that had been pasted you and I went to their meeting. When you arrive at the University, everything had passed, we still were some groups of men in uniform grey. They were kids!. Click Jim Simons for additional related pages.

You could see the fatigue on their faces, some even had the same face of frightened that my son. These small groups, identified very clearly, because all its members wore the same color of scarf. That facilitated me discard some and find the group that had been pasted to my son the men in uniform grey in the service of the dictatorship disappeared. Through his performances, he had questioned and prevented the freedom of citizens. Now, recalling those times, something tells me that the only thing that has changed is the color of the uniform. Many writers such as Central Romana offer more in-depth analysis.

In new uniform theory entailed a new service, a service that I had to save and ensure the freedom of its citizens seek order, which would respect the laws but I’m checking my regret that one day if and another van also, following the same steps as yesteryear. The new grooms (that go with another color of uniform) still in the service of the policy and are not in favour of giving a better service to the citizen. Good! It would be unfair to say that they do not make any thing by the citizen, but what tells me my grandson (who is part of that group of waiters) their teachers were students of teachers who had formed to the men in the gray uniform, and the only thing that had changed, is that you can now talk to them in catalan. By what tells me my grandson, with the excuse that doesn’t work the judicial system, the only thing know do well these waiters, is therefore be serving politicians. And that is to be at the service of politicians?, well very simple now touches turn a blind eye to certain offences now touches leave will not fly any flag that another, now touches leave a House to deal with, now plays left to indicate that any group of kids, now plays vacate a House, now plays leave any symbol of the country, to burn in public now plays not to accept any kind of allegations, now plays stop investigating any offence that is, we change the regime to return to the same thing but with another image and also deceived. Now do not aspire to be citizens, nor be responsible for our freedom now touches remain silent and let that continue running arbitrary, absurd, laws contranatura. In short, now plays let that they give us a service that goes against the freedom of the citizen, now being next to the winners, lest they make you life miserable and have to emigrate.