The moving images of four film projectors have been dispersed in real space by means of mirrors for creation of the virtual space. The 400 loudspeakers created the acoustical spatial effect and distributed along walls of pavilion. The music accompaniment broadcasted through them. The loudspeakers formed sound level in the “mountains” of noise and provided their acceleration or deceleration, submitting to the general rhythm. Le Corbusier imagined that main message of the “Poeme electronique” influenced the person automaticallythrough hearing and sight the moment He entered the pavilion, narrating about the most tragical and the most significant events of civilization origin from the moment. Architectural, light, projecting and sound spaces in this case have been closely interconnected, synthesized, subordinated to the basic scenario of show. Corbusier wrote about it so: “the synthetical event has happened.
A new tool has opened a door to imagination electronics taken from the unlimited resources of physics, gives to the person the absolutely boundless possibilities, amazing sources of influence by means of light. Color, a rhythm, a sound and image have united; they can be reproduced in any place”9 in the course of creation ‘Philips’ pavilion and”Poeme electronique”, in a head of Xenakis an image of the work has ripened for future. He named it a polytope: the architecturally-spatial, colored-light, musical-noise, verbally-literary performance. The global artistic conception by Iannis Xenakis what embodied in his five polytopes best the composer of music understanding of all, it reflected as “a work in space” (he has been obliged by this idea to Le Corbusier). Aspiring to the maximum influence on people of his total performances, Xenakis addressed to the multimedia because it united all accessible means of expression. The spatial embodiment of compositions is fundamental principle for Xenakis and it is realized in his works through idea of the spatial-zonal plurality proving at all dramaturgic levels.Thanks to it the structure of a multimedia genre what created by application of several spaces: of light-projecting, architectural and musical spaces.