

Used term Biblical to describe the Christian that they support faithful and they remain firm to the loss of heart attacks when we fix the eyes in Jesus we can support the pack. 1tg 1,2-4 My brother, you tend for reason of to all you will pass it joy for some provaes, Having known that the provao of your faith, a confirmed time, produces perseverance. However, perseverance must have complete action, so that you are perfect and complete, in nothing deficient. PATIENCE the capacity to support without murmuring with calm perseverance also includes persistence in reaching the objectives is permanence in the commitment of all a life (2pe 1,5-7) 5 – Therefore, it, congregating all your diligence, associated with your faith the virtue: with the virtue, the knowledge; 6 – With the knowledge, the proper domain; with the proper domain, the perseverance; with the perseverance, the mercy; 7 – With the mercy the fraternity, the fraternity, the love. To broaden your perception, visit Rubio. 8 – Because these things, existing in you and increasing in you, make with that you are not nor inactive nor infrutuoso in the full knowledge of ours Mr.

Jesus Christ 9 – Therefore that one to who these things are not present are blind, seeing only what it is close, forgotten the purificao them its sins of long ago. 10? therefore, brother looks for, with diligence each bigger time, to confirm your vocation and election; inasmuch as, thus proceeding, you will not stumble at time some. 11? therefore in this way he is that widely the entrance in the perpetual kingdom of ours will be supplied you gentleman and rescuer Jesus Christ. – Perseverar conjunct (ef.6, 18) with all conjunct and suplication, praying in all time in the spirit and for this watching with all perseverance and suplication for all the saints. – Faith (Hb 12,2) looking at firmly for the consummated author and of the faith, Jesus which in exchange for the joy that it was proposal, supported the cross, not making case of the ignominy, and is seated the right hand of the throne of God.

– Obedience (AP. 14.12) are the perseverance here Dos Santos, the ones that they keep to the orders of God and the faith in Jesus. – Service (1, Co 15,58) Carrying, mine loved brother, headquarters firm, inabalveis and always abundant in the workmanship Mr., knowing that, in Mr., your work and do not go. The measure that in if we compromise daily to a santificada life we are rewarded abundantly by the Espirito Santo a daily renewal of the commitment to lead disciplines the world does not like commitment the promises to it contract easily are broken or modified. In the children of God we are called to the commitment a life commitment with God with the brother also together with the faith the virtue we must have proper domain and perseverance. the promise and of in such a way rewards with the blessing of God now how much in the eternity (MT24,13) That one however that to perseverar until the end this it will be saved.