Iannis Xenakis

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The moving images of four film projectors have been dispersed in real space by means of mirrors for creation of the virtual space. The 400 loudspeakers created the acoustical spatial effect and distributed along walls of pavilion. The music accompaniment broadcasted through them. The loudspeakers formed sound level in the “mountains” of noise and provided their acceleration or deceleration, submitting to the general rhythm. Le Corbusier imagined that main message of the “Poeme electronique” influenced the person automaticallythrough hearing and sight the moment He entered the pavilion, narrating about the most tragical and the most significant events of civilization origin from the moment. Architectural, light, projecting and sound spaces in this case have been closely interconnected, synthesized, subordinated to the basic scenario of show. Corbusier wrote about it so: “the synthetical event has happened.

A new tool has opened a door to imagination electronics taken from the unlimited resources of physics, gives to the person the absolutely boundless possibilities, amazing sources of influence by means of light. Color, a rhythm, a sound and image have united; they can be reproduced in any place”9 in the course of creation ‘Philips’ pavilion and”Poeme electronique”, in a head of Xenakis an image of the work has ripened for future. He named it a polytope: the architecturally-spatial, colored-light, musical-noise, verbally-literary performance. The global artistic conception by Iannis Xenakis what embodied in his five polytopes best the composer of music understanding of all, it reflected as “a work in space” (he has been obliged by this idea to Le Corbusier). Aspiring to the maximum influence on people of his total performances, Xenakis addressed to the multimedia because it united all accessible means of expression. The spatial embodiment of compositions is fundamental principle for Xenakis and it is realized in his works through idea of the spatial-zonal plurality proving at all dramaturgic levels.Thanks to it the structure of a multimedia genre what created by application of several spaces: of light-projecting, architectural and musical spaces.

Andreas Brede Andreas Brede

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Here you can order the book. The authors of the book of get out of your comfort zone”: Sascha Ballach after training as an it specialist and subsequent studies worked Sascha Ballach successfully as a software developer for renowned companies. He put his life’s dream, to work, to assist them in their own personal development and to lead to real change, with people actively in the subsequent years. Sascha Ballach itself lives his life design that he has dreamed. Each year he takes time for vacation and travel around the world 3-6 months.

He has completely flexible working hours and can be anywhere from work. He constantly deals with the development of his personality and the extension of its own Comfort zone, providing he is regularly challenges. He learned with setbacks on the way to live his life design, to bypass resistors and fears and to use them for themselves. So speaks and writes from his own experience and can help in concrete terms his readers and participants to develop their life design and live. Sascha Ballach is trained NLP trainer, regularly organises NLP practice evenings and runs a blog on the development of personality. In his seminars, his coaching and self he has developed the concept of the comfort zone exercises thereby continuously improved with Andreas Brede together.

Andreas Brede Andreas Brede is NLP trainer from passion and deals since 2001 with NLP and personality development. In addition to various seminars, he leads an independent NLP peer group in Stuttgart, Germany for many years. His special way to teach NLP and personality development to other people, is not based on the teaching of techniques but the enabling of their own Resources and expand the comfort zone, to improve the quality of life here actively. He is known for his intuitive and empathic style in the change work.

Alessandro Reichgruber

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Again, get your circulation going to avoid constant fatigue. In general it can be said that if you constantly suffers from a sense of fatigue, then the body will point to something, because fatigue is a protective reaction of the body. Here I have summarized some tips which can help with a chronic fatigue. We take as an example the first days of spring, here our bodies need to some time longer until he adjusts to the new season successfully. The main reason for this is that an increase in the melatonin is education. This is a hormone which is normally for a balanced, restful sleep, as well as for the settlement of the day-night cycle. This hormone is often called dark hormone. In the short days of winter, the body, due to the comparatively weak sunshine, will stimulate education to an increased melatonin.

This melatonin formation with RESTful nights. The melatonin formation is dependent on the turbidity and the length the days that can be understood as follows: the cloudier and shorter winter days the body produces more melatonin. If you have too much melatonin in the blood, then you feel tired during the day all the time and it is not really in shape. In the winter it is well-known way earlier hell and this shortens the night. As a result it is cheated out of a couple of hours and omitted the important final phase of deep sleep. To avoid this, you must get the circulation again in swing. This is very good with movement in the fresh air, several smaller meals with vitamin ingredients during the day as well as contrast showers can be reached. Vitamin is included in particular in nuts, egg yolks, leafy vegetables and seeds. Should be abandoned but, as always, alcohol and coffee. My name is Alessandro Reichgruber and I write various health articles, how can for example on the subject of how to identify Helicobacter symptoms or even stomach lining inflammation symptoms.


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Christmas is just around the corner, with all its delicacies and treats. Enjoy this time. Although perhaps one or two spare tires with while cheating on her hips. Is not at all bad. With Hudora trampoline by Berg, Pfndchen disappear again very quickly. And not only that, but the other problems such as back pain, muscle or joint problems are solved in this way, gently. Movement is a very important factor in the human body. The question is it and how There is not nothing that the proverb – Sport is murder. So it must be under any circumstances. Certain sports are also very beneficial for health. Such as swimming or just jumping on a trampoline. In this sport, both the cardiovascular system and the muscles are encouraged, but not placed in stress. With this positive exposure, the reserves are built up, which in turn is good for the immune system. This one is immune against attack by many diseases. For the trampoline will be differentAcceleration forces built up so that the muscles are required in all areas. Another significant aspect is the improved metabolism of the tissue cells, not to mention, because the Schlackstoffe be eliminated more rapidly and thus is an improved oxygenation reported. But not the benefits are of major proportions. The balance also is trained, the balance of power is in fact asking the Jump and thus the whole body coordination is brought into shape. The advantage is the fact that in everyday life, one can quickly throw anything out of balance. These are just some aspects that bring the benefits of a trampoline. There are far more. Therefore, it is certainly worth thinking about doing something for themselves. Christmas is just around the corner.

Second More Informative

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The version 2 of INTUS PS offers higher performance and enhanced user comfort with reduced power consumption. The hand vein recognition system INTUS PS for highly secure access control is available in September the new version of 2. The INTUS PS Reader now has a display that can show over 200 colours instead of three colors. This allows the system to display not only the status detail, but opens up new opportunities, more comfortable to the user. For the connection to the controller, the distance between the reader and controller from 5 m to 100 m could be increased. Double performance with reduced power consumption. In the new INTUS PS is a powerful Intel Atom processor with 1.6 MHz working controller.

In addition to the doubled performance, reduced the power consumption of the new system by 33%. To connect of the controller to a higher-level system are a Wiegand-and for master download an Ethernet interface available. Functioning of the hand vein recognition. The hand vein recognition system INTUS PS is designed for access control in the high-security sector. It is based on the absorption of infrared radiation (heat radiation) in venous blood. The sensor emits near-infrared radiation in the direction of the palms. The oxygen-reduced blood in the veins absorbs the infrared rays. The sensor camera creates an image of the vein pattern and converts the image into a so-called template that is used for the identification of the person.

Fine Colorful

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Pentax K-x as of March 2010 in 8 further, attractive casing colours worldwide demand for greater individual choice in the SLR trend-setters Hamburg, February 2010 – that the K-x Pentax has outstanding technical qualities and features, various test WINS of prestigious journals have confirmed recently. But what consumers worldwide the best entry-level SLR * their color concept define trend is equally enthusiastic. The spirit of the times loves colorful and individually. “Since Pentax with the four K-x body colors red, Navy Blue, white, and black end of 2009 is a small SLR Designrevolution” initiated has, the demand is increasing rapidly for another cool and extravagant alternatives. It is only logical to correspond to this desire with a colorful fireworks display of attractive casing colours. As of March 2010, the Pentax K-x in eight other, elegant will be available to provocative colours: beige, chocolate, pink, metallic, turquoise Fuchsia metallic, dark gray metallic, olive green and soft brown.

Cement Equipment

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Under the background of accelerating the elimination of backward production capacity and mergers and reorganizations, the cement industry is in a embarrassing situation and the equipment needs is basically saturated dilemma. Under this situation, as for the equipment manufacturing enterprise, which is closely related with the cement industry, what should it do to take a share of profits?As we all know, the equipment needs of the cement industry is limited to the old line transformation and wear-resistant spare parts. The transformation of the old line is little and the equipment needs of the cement industry is mainly the wear-resistant spare parts. The wear-resistant spare parts in the cement industry are mainly used for limestone crushing. The wearable equipment of high consumption includes the hammerhead of the hammer crusher, crusher clinker crusher and fine, the rotor of the breaker machine, the steel ball of ball machine (ball crusher), the lining plate of grinding mill and so on. According to the survey, the manufacturing companies of the removals in the cement industry have established higher requirements of the quality, sped up the research and development and strengthen internal management to occupy much market share.

However, due to the differences of strength among the various enterprise, the performance of their products is also inconsistent. Taking the hammerhead as an example. Because of the abrasiveness of the strong special SOI2 content in the limestone, the requirement of wear-resistant of the hammerhead is higher. In the adverse environment, only the product with high technology content can keep its footing and win the market.We can determine that if the manufacturing enterprises of the removals in the cement industry wants to obtain a considerable development under the context of saturation of demand for cement industry equipment, they maybe rely on high quality service or the forward looking strategic vision, but probably the most important is the reliable product quality and high technical content. The downturn of the cement equipment market will result in that the equipment manufacturing enterprises have to re-shuffle. Only the strongest survive, which is also consistent with the laws of everything running.

Review: Acer Aspire Revo R3600 (Mini-PC)

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Looks good, offers appealing components, can but NVIDIA’s full-HD promises don’t quite meet. The Acer Aspire Revo R3600 is the first Mini PC based on the NVIDIA ion platform. Much like Intel’s Atom platform, this technology allows power-saving and low-cost components, making the price of the entire system remains low. So in this case: the aspire Revo R3600 only 300 euros. As a processor of Intel is clock frequency and a processor core Atom 230 1.6 GHz. To come 2 GBytes of DDR2 memory, a 160 GB large hard drive and NVIDIA’s ion chipset with GeForce-9400 M graphics unit.

The stylish Mini PC amply provides connectors and accessories: 6 USB 2.0, eSATA, HDMI, VGA, Gigabit-LAN, audio, Wi-Fi (without n-draft) and a memory card reader are on board. An optical drive is missing but. As an operating system, Acer sets 1 Schick on Windows Vista Home Premium with the latest Service Pack and power-saving important selling points for Mini-PCs are optics, loudness and power. The small Acer impresses in these disciplines. The Housing is flat and is definitely impressive.

The Revo who owns a TFT monitor with appropriate support, can attach directly. In our test, we measured a power consumption by an average of 25 watt; as soon as the graphics chip is under load, such as a 3D game, the value rises to around 31 Watts always still absolutely in order. In terms of loudness also convinced the small PC. The only built-up cooler stays always calm and allowed the Revo intrusive is not under load or during normal operation. Despite ion under performing the installed Windows Vista slows down the system significantly. Here Windows XP would have been better with the .net 3.0. In addition, NVIDIA promises that ion-based systems can easily represent up to 1080 p HD content. Even various 3D games should be possible. Our extensive tests only partly confirmed the promise.

Ruach Hakodesh

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Today I go to make something unusual. Opposite of speaking I only go to ask for that loved () the friend () and brother () in Christ can read the text below and that the Ruach Hakodesh (Espirito Santo discloses) it as disclosed to me.A church in Laodicia is the churches of today, nor is cold nor hot, Rich I am, and I am enriched, and you are welcome I have lack, Here it is that I am to the door, and I beat, a church that left Yeshua (Jesus) of is to the point of don of the church to have that to beat in the door to be able to enter. Medite.Apocalypse 3′ ‘ 14 and to the angel of the church that is in Laodicia it writes: This says Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: 15 Conheo your workmanships, that nor you are cold nor hot; who gives rejections cold or hot! 16 Thus, because you are warm, and you are not cold nor hot, I will vomit you of mine boca.17 As you say: Rich I am, and I am enriched, and you are welcome I have lack; you do not know that you are a poor fellow, and villain, and poor person, and blind person, and naked; 18 I advise to you that of me you buy proven gold in the fire, so that you you enrich; white clothes, seen so that you, and it does not appear the shame of your nudez; that unjas your eyes with colrio, so that vejas.19 I reprehend and punishment to all how many I love; you are therefore zealous, and you repent-te.. .

Albert Enstein

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We cannot also forget, it brilliant Albert Enstein, that of surprising form, shook the structures of them pillars of the physics and the academic world, when demonstrating that the time, until then, an untouchable entity in its mystery, is not absolute! For these and as much other examples, I cannot believe that the necessity was the only engine of as much fidget. He seems that the man to the being created by God and to the being livened up for Its blow the holy ghost, it was awarded by the nth flash of a seed, that despertou in that one the power to think! this seems to all bring a teeny parcel of the knowledge the holy ghost that is not limited only to three dimensions and to the time of the Newtonian physics. The thought cannot be imprisoned, nor stolen, does not know the barriers of the languages, therefore it does not speak, does not have religions, independe of the race, the academic heading, the moral laws and the physical limitations of the human body. Independent even of the reason, therefore wildest of the men, it thinks! The man proved that he took it to the thought to the places of which never had stepped on showed to be so powerful, that it stimulated the man to transform the substance and to desnudar the time. what he is still for being discovered? Which the limits of these revelations? For where we are being led, to each new discovery, if the planet continues the same in place around its orbit? It is truth, that the universe to the being created, passed for a evolutivo process of thousand of years, and as it could not be different, it left registered in the space between lineses the marks of these transformations. We could accept that we are ahead of a great book, written for the Creator who awakes us one challenging fidget, to each page deals? It will be that all material nature that is ahead of all we was created to raise our directions and to develop our spirit, for raised periods of training more? It will be that daily when we wake up in them, the nature not that in them to pass some message? Perhaps, never we will know of the answers, of collective form, while we will be confined in our bodies! To read this book and to understand it in all its fullness, we cannot only use ours limited corporal directions ….. is necessary to stop, to contemplate and to analyze what already it was disclosed and above all to use the only language that allows in them to connect with the Great engineer of all this workmanship: The thought.