Balaclava Post

In the surroundings of the San Sebastian Film Festival of this year, says Julia Roberts: I are obsessed with the treatment of persons among themselves. We have ceased to look us in the eye, there is a lack of human connection, in part because computers and blogs. I think that we have to fight against it. (Source: El Pais, Julia Roberts: we have ceased to look us in the eye.) Ah! Look in the eye. Speaking candidly Red Solo Cups told us the story. Easy, if you have nothing to hide and you are transparent. Difficult if agendas hidden (see post Enografiliste) weigh much.

In the post or you work for him or for anyone you pointed out: If you can look into the eyes of each of managers, middle managers, collaborators, etc., of the companies in which you worked, you should not afflict the least. Today I add: you have nothing to hide. Your subconscious knows that you did well. Mira who talks to you about look into eyes! A being that it was passed childhood lost in the deep round and that when he joined belatedly to the already descatalogada EGB, blocked mentally, with collateral effects of strong stutter and distinguished shyness, before that teacher of Hazel wand (see post abuse professors or Balaclava) and before that group of frightened and dull boys and girls who lived in the sad and austere rural school. Well Yes.