Author Archives: John Jones

Proper Nutrition

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Proper nutrition is not just for performance and fitness important our skin is a very sensitive organ, which remains unremedied or malnutrition at an early stage can be. So it serves in addition to their function as protective case also as indicator for this, what is wrong in our bodies. A good character, beautiful skin, hair and nails are mostly the result of an intensive care – beauty comes not from about. This includes also the diet, providing our bodies with nutrients and minerals. You must be no nutritionists to create a healthy and delicious diet, which at the same time positively affects a beautiful skin, on the table. The beauty vitamin is required to rebuild collagen.

This protein receives the skin elasticity and looks younger. Nails, hair, and especially skin suffer due to vitamin deficiency. Missing vitamins, our appearance can suffer, the skin looks limp and grey. Maintained, the skin is fed but from the outside – and It is built up by our daily food. Our digestive system, raises the food – our blood circulation puts you in the places where they are needed in each skin cell.

At the same time the blood absorbs the reducing substances, transmits them to the detoxification in the liver and kidney and takes over the disposal. The smoother this down and construction work, we become the more beautiful. It is no wonder that deficiency symptoms first in skin, but also in nails and hair become apparent on the other hand. Vitamins slow down the skin’s natural cell ageing and maintain from the inside. Vitamin A: Vitamin A promotes metabolism and cell division. The skin remains supple and smooth. As a free radical scavenger, it has a preventive effect against wrinkles and delay skin aging. Vitamin A is included in: fish, butter, cheese, milk, spinach, fennel, lettuce, broccoli, carrots, red beets and tomatoes.

Monologue Inside

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How much money you want to achieve? Do you have all the wealth you want? Do the things that you want to do? It enjoys excellent health? Are their relations satisfactory and uplifting? Do you have anything they want? Is there some aspect of your life that you want to improve? All what you want can have it. Everything you want is determined only by yourself, by what you continually is said to if same. Steven Holl is open to suggestions. The monologue inside determines his wealth, his happiness, his power, their position in society, their relations, the location of your home, the beauty of your body, ideas in his mind, people surrounding it, etc. The monologue inside, what the person says yes same at all hours of the day, is what determines the life that that person has, in all its aspects. Nothing and no one can stop him you have anything they want. Nobody nor nothing deliver it is on silver platter.

You should get it by yourself. And you can get it easily and quickly. It all depends on what you are say yes same at all hours of the day. All what you want can have it in finer and adorned with the purest diamonds gold trays. The monologue inside is something learned.

And learned, it means that it is something that you can modify to taste of the person. The life you have, is because of what you know. If you know that success is achieved easily, fast and honest, then you will be successful, rich, happy and everything you want, quickly, easy and honest. Getting what you want is as easy as modifying the interior monologue. But, does modifying the monologue inside the mind? Modify the monologue inside, it will not happen by itself, thats the first thing you need to know. The second thing you need to know is that knows best how to modify what you and get everything you want, is to set a goal, a goal that meets all the necessary requirements to be effective.

Changing Attitude Changes the World

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Just for instance, comes to mind Irene Villa. As many will remember, at age twelve he lost his legs and three fingers in a terrorist attack which he suffered. It would have been entirely understandable if he had become a bitter, resentful and even that had proved to have very negative feelings towards a life that can no longer be regular. However, in his 31 years is a happy person. She is a journalist, gives talks and lectures to motivate people with difficulties, working with handicapped, and it’s ski champion.

His secret, in his own words, is the failure to deliver the power of his life and happiness to the external situation. At some point he realized he had no choice and that choice goes to forgive, and take responsibility for their own happiness regardless of their situation and their difficulties. Where appropriate, Irene could not change the facts, so I decided to change their attitude and be happy. At the end of the day, happiness, as we have said on other occasions, is a choice. And as you start to change when they have spent some time stuck in a situation?. If the circumstance that overwhelms us has a solution, assumes that you have to do something. If you have already tried and does not work, look for a different solution to which you have already tried.

If not, you change your attitude about it. In any case, the most important is that you realize that the responsibility is yours to do something, rather than expecting the others to change, and remember that you’re the one with the power to change your life. There are a victim unless you choose to be. In summary, remember that people and situations in which we are immersed, are mirrors of what is within us, and occasions for learn. Realize what it is in our lives is a way of describing what is inside of us. And if you wear something stuck in time, do not expect anyone to take you up the pieces. Move. It is your responsibility and how to become adults and happy. (As opposed to Michael Lee-Chin). And mind, you feel wonderfully well when you take control of your life.

Dominican Republic

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Eng. Whenever RenTech listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Mario Holguin the topic that will prevail in the recent past will be joint food crisis, rising fuel and shortage of oil in the world. However, global road violence syndrome should be treated as a consubstantial factor to this, because of its implications with circulation on waterways. Climate change and global warming, are priority issues that must cannot be deferred to the new challenges presented to us, they have to also greatly with this, the circulation on waterways, by mandatory reduction of 50% of the emission of CO2 and other gases by the year 2015. The economic model that is in sight, not only in the Dominican Republic, will be supported as seen in agricultural production.

Being the more advanced countries the principal developers of bioenergy projects, which is imposed by the need to replace the supply of fossil fuels, consequently causing an unprecedented food crisis, according to be esteem. The distortions in the oil production and the unhealthy international market manipulation are impacting negatively in all Nations, essentially in the non-producers of black gold; He is expected to achieve social instability and ungovernability, as shown in the news of the powers of the G-8 with the danger of spread to the rest of the globe not to take timely measures capable of reversing the reality that we are living, and that could worsen in the short term by speculation on supply services. Large emissions of gases into the atmosphere is bringing disastrous consequences to the environment that could convert the planet inevitably unliveable or with little chance of retaining the repetitive ravages of nature against human beings and their environment, according to disclosures of breaches of the Kyoto Treaty. For the survival of man it is essential to clean air, besides trade, food production, electric power generation, transportation and transit vehicles, as agents inherent in these last, to the process of development and well-being of peoples.

Balaclava Post

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In the surroundings of the San Sebastian Film Festival of this year, says Julia Roberts: I are obsessed with the treatment of persons among themselves. We have ceased to look us in the eye, there is a lack of human connection, in part because computers and blogs. I think that we have to fight against it. (Source: El Pais, Julia Roberts: we have ceased to look us in the eye.) Ah! Look in the eye. Speaking candidly Red Solo Cups told us the story. Easy, if you have nothing to hide and you are transparent. Difficult if agendas hidden (see post Enografiliste) weigh much.

In the post or you work for him or for anyone you pointed out: If you can look into the eyes of each of managers, middle managers, collaborators, etc., of the companies in which you worked, you should not afflict the least. Today I add: you have nothing to hide. Your subconscious knows that you did well. Mira who talks to you about look into eyes! A being that it was passed childhood lost in the deep round and that when he joined belatedly to the already descatalogada EGB, blocked mentally, with collateral effects of strong stutter and distinguished shyness, before that teacher of Hazel wand (see post abuse professors or Balaclava) and before that group of frightened and dull boys and girls who lived in the sad and austere rural school. Well Yes.

POS Weisswasser

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Former pupils of 1 secondary school Weisswasser plan the biggest school meeting of the Lausitz alumni of Weisswasser 1 middle school plan the biggest school meeting of Lusatia former pupils of the 1st middle school Weisswasser (formerly 1 POS Weisswasser and 1 community school Weisswasser) wondered what we could hold instead a 5-yearly reunion. First, they came up with the idea of even making a vintage meeting. So, all classes of a graduating class on the American model. After some time, they were then courageous and wondered why not same times something very special? It was the idea of a school meeting. From an original “crazy idea” 2005, originated at the prom of recent vintage in the year the year of closure, now becomes a reality. L. Yellen. Thus, the awesome complex of buildings in the old village, which can look back on a history of more than 240-jahrige has twice to celebrate. If you would like to know more then you should visit James Simons. Vacancy after a 5-year-old main building will be after the restoration and the Construction of a sports hall the 1st primary school which previously retract by extra erected for this purpose took advantage of the cultivation. The school meeting is expected take place in autumn next year.

An exact date can only be taken at the end of the year because the construction and planning do not allow an accurate indication. For the school meeting of all former students and teachers of Weisswasser 1 middle school is estimated to the current planning status even 2 days over a weekend, focusing on the second day of the entire city with an exhibition open to. Already on the Internet platforms of Studi VZ and Facebook a group of over 300 former students has gathered. On the Internet at or, you will find the homepage of the bear fountain e.V. with further information about the school, to the its history, many images, class photos and of course information about the planned school meetings. Former students and teachers of the former school populate the entire Federal territory by now, yes even beyond. Visitors of the Web site come even from Europe, the United States and Australia and Greenland.

The planning for the meeting assumes that specially in founding also bear fountain e.V., for the later time of course members are looking for. Photos and stories about the school can be sent to attend us. Sponsors and partners, the Club would of course very happy.


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“Psychotherapy is not what you think. This is not a disease treatment. This is not the leadership of the wise counselor. A related site: Michael Bloomberg mentions similar findings. This is not a common experience of good friends. This is not the acquisition of esoteric knowledge. This is not a demonstration of that person’s mistakes. This is not a new religion. It’s about how you think.

It draws attention to the subtle hypocrisy in how you think. It features what you think of how you think so. Its not so much interested in the search for reasons for what you are doing, how much value that you have what you are doing. Psychotherapy deals with the way you think. How do you live with your feelings, your approach to relationships with people who have value for you. It’s about what you seek in your life and how, unwittingly, you make the sake of achieving these goals.

It helps to see that changes to which you seek already exist within you hidden. It provides an opportunity to see and take a reflection of something imperishable, that is your essence. “James FT Byudzhental, doctor of psychology. Why go to a psychologist if you have friends, neighbors, relatives? Why pay for advice? Why tell a stranger about their problems, if you can talk with a close friend who understands, sympathize, help? The answer is quite simple: Your friend – the person who is experiencing some of your feelings and emotions, as a rule they know your social circle and it is difficult to be objective.


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Tinnitus unilateral (as you are scientifically called this symptom) in a very common disorder and the vast majority of cases has to do with a/otological / problem, although there are many other factors or not auditory pathologies that may cause it. In this case particular noise in right ear, will have to determine the type of noise that is perceived to gradually reduce the niche of potential diseases associated with tinnitus in principle. It is the responsibility of otorrino specialist to perform a questionnaire detailed about the noise heard by the patient to determine the type of tinnitus that suffers as a first step. Once identified the variety of tinnitus, can be carried another questionnaire that will give the physician an idea quantitative degree of incidence or discomfort that produces that annoying noise in the patient. Very common is that when performing basic studies such as audiometry or impedance and stapedial reflex, tests results are very ambiguous, so the specialist ordered a series of more complex tests to give with the accurate diagnosis. One of the most common causes of noise in right ear (and especially in patients in the fourth decade of life), is the asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss.

Once determined the existence of this type of hearing loss, and provided that other common auditory pathologies have been also ruled out, the Otolaryngologist will present a series of possible treatments that fit your particular case, both for the treatment of the underlying problem and thus also to the elimination or mitigation of symptoms the patient. As a complement to the treatment for the condition, the specialist shall inform the patient on a series of documents and change of habits that it must implement to substantially improve their quality of life and to maximize the results of the treatment. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever..

WeGreen Wins Award

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9 x 4,000 funding for green search engine with sustainability footprint Berlin, may 2, 2012 – the prize of the German economy for entrepreneurs was awarded last Friday in the second job and founder initiative Germany ENTREPRENEUR country 2012 (DU2012). With the final the initiative DU2012 by the Foundation of the German economy for labour and employment (SWAB) was a successful conclusion: the idea of the first comprehensive search engine for sustainability convinced the jury, and the team can look forward now on the promotion of a founder of 4,000 for the next 9 months. The Berlin start-up companies could prevail over 600 submitted business cases. Along with the six other promising ideas, WeGreen founder of Maurice Sandeep (26) in the 10-minute pitch to persuade a star-studded Commission of experts from its business model. WeGreen prevailed against strong competition: Biotech small wind turbines with stable gasoline prices to the Facebook interface between Everything was young people and businesses. For this performance are all finalists in the framework of the high-level meeting of the economic”honored at the 21 in Berlin. Click Red Solo Cups to learn more.

“We pride ourselves not only insane, have won this prize promised by large German companies for founders for us this is also a sign of the growing importance of sustainability in the German economy”, says Maurice Stanszus. “Also the funding, contact with investors and the public charisma of the price helps us to believe in our idea and to continue: A big thank you to the jury!” About WeGreen: WeGreen emerged from a research project of the Hochschule fur Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin. The WeGreen UG was founded in May 2010 as a corporation by Maurice Stanszus (26). The company is located in Berlin-Kreuzberg and employs three fixed five free. The initial concentration of green information on a single Internet service ensures that with one click all sustainable is available. WeGreen allows to use as a default search engine, are green hits but prioritized. Every click helps: 15% of the advertising revenue will be dissipated on donation projects selected by the users.

The heart is the sustainability footprint, which quickly and easily visualize how ecological, social and transparent are companies, brands and products. A red or yellow light appears when a product knows WeGreen the corresponding green alternatives, and allows the user to opt either for a sustainable product. About the Foundation of the German economy for labour and employment (SWAB GmbH): The SWAB is supported by DAX 30 companies, medium-sized and family-run businesses as well as private investors and entrepreneurs a consortium. A Board of top executives of the economy monitors the use of funds of the foundation-owned company. Purpose and aim of the SWAB is the promotion of entrepreneurship and implementation of innovations. For this purpose Startups, manager-buy-outs and spin-offs in the long term and sustainable supported with capital, contacts and specialists for the purpose of rapid implementation of entrepreneurial ideas. Press contact: Gesa Noormann, Tel.

Lose Abdominal Fat

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Can a nicer way you think to lose belly fat through your own obstacle course? Unlike Indiana Jones in the jungle, your you must jump over obstacles in your path, and you drag on the barriers to further progress. While some men and women easily adopt the frustration, other adventurers, just love to work with challenges. The development of your own obstacle course may be large for losing abdominal fat. You can burn hundreds of calories with only to constantly keep your body moving. You can exercise alone, with friends or family. You can always get to be exciting to compete against each other in an obstacle course. Who is the fastest in the course of today? The winner of tomorrow may be another person.

To begin your course, you can be entertained begin with 20 feet of crawling on the floor. You can mark 20 feet with a cone, chalk or the signal of another person. On a daily basis, you can change the routine a little at a time. One day you can climb one small hill, while the other around the sofas in the living room. The degree of difficulty and the time for each course can vary day to day. The creativity of obstacles courses come from the method in which you choose your moves. Making your way through any surface, tracing can be performed by your hands and knees.

Then, you can make things a little more difficult with the departure of crab. Towards the ceiling or clouds, and depending on the hands and feet to move. When it is time to stand up and leave that only the feet move along an obstacle course, a kick of your knees in height, as if you were marching with a band over a football field. Otherwise, you can always be fun and go ahead with a frog jump. Just squat, jump forward, and end in the same position squatting. To perform the box jump, you can use a chalk to draw squares either on the sidewalk or driveway. Alter the distances between boxes, and jump from one to another. The beginning of the course may include two foot hops, but ultimately worth it with 4 feet of space between the points of landing. When I was a child, I thought always me an adventurer. However, I got more and stubby. I decided to ask my doctor how to lose weight fast, before having a heart attack. He recommended me building my own obstacle course to see results in weight loss.