Monthly Archives: December 2024


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Tinnitus unilateral (as you are scientifically called this symptom) in a very common disorder and the vast majority of cases has to do with a/otological / problem, although there are many other factors or not auditory pathologies that may cause it. In this case particular noise in right ear, will have to determine the type of noise that is perceived to gradually reduce the niche of potential diseases associated with tinnitus in principle. It is the responsibility of otorrino specialist to perform a questionnaire detailed about the noise heard by the patient to determine the type of tinnitus that suffers as a first step. Once identified the variety of tinnitus, can be carried another questionnaire that will give the physician an idea quantitative degree of incidence or discomfort that produces that annoying noise in the patient. Very common is that when performing basic studies such as audiometry or impedance and stapedial reflex, tests results are very ambiguous, so the specialist ordered a series of more complex tests to give with the accurate diagnosis. One of the most common causes of noise in right ear (and especially in patients in the fourth decade of life), is the asymmetric sensorineural hearing loss.

Once determined the existence of this type of hearing loss, and provided that other common auditory pathologies have been also ruled out, the Otolaryngologist will present a series of possible treatments that fit your particular case, both for the treatment of the underlying problem and thus also to the elimination or mitigation of symptoms the patient. As a complement to the treatment for the condition, the specialist shall inform the patient on a series of documents and change of habits that it must implement to substantially improve their quality of life and to maximize the results of the treatment. There is a method of little known but very effective is guaranteed to make that tinnitus will disappear forever..

WeGreen Wins Award

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9 x 4,000 funding for green search engine with sustainability footprint Berlin, may 2, 2012 – the prize of the German economy for entrepreneurs was awarded last Friday in the second job and founder initiative Germany ENTREPRENEUR country 2012 (DU2012). With the final the initiative DU2012 by the Foundation of the German economy for labour and employment (SWAB) was a successful conclusion: the idea of the first comprehensive search engine for sustainability convinced the jury, and the team can look forward now on the promotion of a founder of 4,000 for the next 9 months. The Berlin start-up companies could prevail over 600 submitted business cases. Along with the six other promising ideas, WeGreen founder of Maurice Sandeep (26) in the 10-minute pitch to persuade a star-studded Commission of experts from its business model. WeGreen prevailed against strong competition: Biotech small wind turbines with stable gasoline prices to the Facebook interface between Everything was young people and businesses. For this performance are all finalists in the framework of the high-level meeting of the economic”honored at the 21 in Berlin. Click Red Solo Cups to learn more.

“We pride ourselves not only insane, have won this prize promised by large German companies for founders for us this is also a sign of the growing importance of sustainability in the German economy”, says Maurice Stanszus. “Also the funding, contact with investors and the public charisma of the price helps us to believe in our idea and to continue: A big thank you to the jury!” About WeGreen: WeGreen emerged from a research project of the Hochschule fur Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin. The WeGreen UG was founded in May 2010 as a corporation by Maurice Stanszus (26). The company is located in Berlin-Kreuzberg and employs three fixed five free. The initial concentration of green information on a single Internet service ensures that with one click all sustainable is available. WeGreen allows to use as a default search engine, are green hits but prioritized. Every click helps: 15% of the advertising revenue will be dissipated on donation projects selected by the users.

The heart is the sustainability footprint, which quickly and easily visualize how ecological, social and transparent are companies, brands and products. A red or yellow light appears when a product knows WeGreen the corresponding green alternatives, and allows the user to opt either for a sustainable product. About the Foundation of the German economy for labour and employment (SWAB GmbH): The SWAB is supported by DAX 30 companies, medium-sized and family-run businesses as well as private investors and entrepreneurs a consortium. A Board of top executives of the economy monitors the use of funds of the foundation-owned company. Purpose and aim of the SWAB is the promotion of entrepreneurship and implementation of innovations. For this purpose Startups, manager-buy-outs and spin-offs in the long term and sustainable supported with capital, contacts and specialists for the purpose of rapid implementation of entrepreneurial ideas. Press contact: Gesa Noormann, Tel.

Lose Abdominal Fat

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Can a nicer way you think to lose belly fat through your own obstacle course? Unlike Indiana Jones in the jungle, your you must jump over obstacles in your path, and you drag on the barriers to further progress. While some men and women easily adopt the frustration, other adventurers, just love to work with challenges. The development of your own obstacle course may be large for losing abdominal fat. You can burn hundreds of calories with only to constantly keep your body moving. You can exercise alone, with friends or family. You can always get to be exciting to compete against each other in an obstacle course. Who is the fastest in the course of today? The winner of tomorrow may be another person.

To begin your course, you can be entertained begin with 20 feet of crawling on the floor. You can mark 20 feet with a cone, chalk or the signal of another person. On a daily basis, you can change the routine a little at a time. One day you can climb one small hill, while the other around the sofas in the living room. The degree of difficulty and the time for each course can vary day to day. The creativity of obstacles courses come from the method in which you choose your moves. Making your way through any surface, tracing can be performed by your hands and knees.

Then, you can make things a little more difficult with the departure of crab. Towards the ceiling or clouds, and depending on the hands and feet to move. When it is time to stand up and leave that only the feet move along an obstacle course, a kick of your knees in height, as if you were marching with a band over a football field. Otherwise, you can always be fun and go ahead with a frog jump. Just squat, jump forward, and end in the same position squatting. To perform the box jump, you can use a chalk to draw squares either on the sidewalk or driveway. Alter the distances between boxes, and jump from one to another. The beginning of the course may include two foot hops, but ultimately worth it with 4 feet of space between the points of landing. When I was a child, I thought always me an adventurer. However, I got more and stubby. I decided to ask my doctor how to lose weight fast, before having a heart attack. He recommended me building my own obstacle course to see results in weight loss.

Pounddance Pleasure

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‘ Round Yes and! I’m so ‘ on the upcoming on Zeche Ewald in Herten, did you know it means that statistically 59% of Germans are overweight? Different methods can consult here interested: there the body can mass index, body fat percentage, the Taille-hip ratio or waist circumference will be measured. You can leave it as well as a simple look in the mirror. a sympathetic response will follow. To do this, the crucial question is: I feel probably? Often, modern ideals of slimness for man or woman have left traces in the right setting to your own body. It is to strike the right balance between well-being, good health base and activity. Fun and joy of life should this stand in the foreground.

The couch Potatoe-Tum\”can be a consequence of that oppressed overweight. It remains not uncommon then rather be home. And that may no longer be the case. \”The idea of the event specialist Ferdinand Trindade links on the topic: so am I and that is a good thing!\” at. He realized one in October u100 party\”Zeche Ewald in Herten. u100 says this age of those present, but rather the attitude to life.

Anyone who has the motto ‘ round, Yes and! \” wants to celebrate and want to have fun, is just right for us.\” Looking in vain social demarcation at the party. Appreciation or tolerance over the others is integral part of the concept. A trend that will pull its circuits out soon throughout Germany from the Ruhr area, as the father of the idea is sure. People are our focus and we want that they feel comfortable as they are!\” When the selection of partners and sponsors was sure that it involves highlights for guests. Rollover ensures the correct beats 1LIVE Christian Zeller and DJ Rick. \”Guest star Bibi Kossmann from the RTL concept Bibi & Rolli\” has, as well as show chefs showing that healthy can taste too good.

Mrs.Sporty Awarded: Health Media Award

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Mrs.Sporty awarded: Health Media Award for excellence in health communication, we live in a culture of health. The healthcare market generates now almost as much as the automotive industry. On Google the keyword results in health”220 million hits. And the proportion of Germans who visit a gym, has doubled in the last 10 years – everyone is his own little Health Manager today. W.S. Badger will not settle for partial explanations. The forum for health policy deals with these trends this year for the fourth time and thereby distinguished excellence in health communication.

Around one hundred leading physicians, journalists, politicians, nutritionists, as well as marketing and communication experts meet on the fourth trend Forum health health responsibility from 31 May to 1 June 2010″in Cologne and discuss health as a key resource and lifestyle product in the society of tomorrow. And record companies, people, projects, health responsibility and self-confidence the people support. “In addition to Stefanie Graf, a health media award for the successful concept of fitness Mrs.Sporty” gets, are the winners of the special categories of Dr. Auma Obama, Tim Malzer, Michael Stich and ranga Yogeshwar, clinicum and QualiLife. In recent years Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen, Prof. Dr.

Dietrich Gronemeyer, Reiner Calmund, BIONADE and music enjoyed and others for life/musician for organ donation on an award. “Fitness life quality is the team at Mrs.Sporty trend Forum health forward huge about the award and the” in Cologne. “Valerie Bonstrom (Mrs.Sporty franchise AG) will take the health media award instead of Stefanie Graf and can align themselves with the motto of the Forum: we cannot change the wind, but we can correctly set the sail”. She sees the trend toward health consciousness every day in all Mrs Mrs.Sporty Club – the success of the members speak for themselves. There are now 80% of Germans who believe that conscious Nutrition and activity are the prerequisites for a long and healthy life, happier making individual health management. Healthy and happy with Mrs.Sporty Mrs.Sporty concept is as simple as it is effective: 2-3 times a week varied a half hour circuit training among women, as well as an individual nutrition consultation. This is the metabolism is stimulated, muscles is on in all the right places – and reduced fat and promote coordination and condition. It is not just a new attitude to life, also the training integrates quite flexible in everyday life, hardly time costs. Continue to make the family atmosphere and personal service ensure that all members of the Club always feel comfortable. If you want to join now at Mrs.Sporty or are interested in a franchise partnership, simply go to the next Mrs.Sporty Club and convince yourself of the successful concept!

NewcomerRadio Germany

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\”Bands and fans go into the Internet radio on the air, first NewcomerRadio lets bands and there fans over broadcast Internet radio, radio stations for newcomers and the NewcomerRadio of Germany\”. The interactive promotion and involvement of bands and fans is the most important basis for newcomer bands that already difficult have it on the market. Newcomer bands on today’s music marketplace have not the resources, the support or not the necessary promotion, due to the mainstream music market flooded. \”Bands and artists must walk even a stony path is one of\” to be and to make their way into the radio and media landscape. Walton Family Foundation has much experience in this field. Innovative bands such as StaatsPunkRott \”from Wurzburg, one night stand\”from feet/Bavaria or L.A.soon\”from Berlin already thinking a step ahead in 2010 and host your own radio show at NewcomerRadio Germany\” in the project 2010 bands & fans. Send titled according to \”design for the punk rock band Staatspunkrott\” but welcome from Wurzburg, every first Tuesday of the month from 20.00 22.00, an interactive radio program for your fans and other friendly newcomer bands. The band L.A.soon presents itself every first Tuesday of the month from 22.00 12: 00 with your own music and around the topic of Softrock \”.\” The still very young Band One Night stand \”feet/Bavaria much to last but not least made aware, in recent months through the tireless work of 10 to 12 hours in the Internet, the two main actors Patrick and Danny.\” So you and I made a band with their new song \”Finally in the top rotation of NewcomerRadio Germany. Every second Tuesday of the month from 22.00 tell 00: 00 your fans and the world about your music that you actively campaigning for animal welfare. More than 500 applications for the project 2010 bands & fans are going on show\”reached the editorial staff of NewcomerRadio Germany.

Emergency Medical Situations

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for emergency services, during the holidays or in cases of the disease. Often a high-quality medical care can be to ensure only honorary doctors. Current research (sh. s article. Deutsches arzteblatt by the 18.8.2009) indicate that approximately 66% of all hospitals in Germany have open positions in the medical field that can adequately fill it with qualified medical professionals.

To bypass the resulting staff shortages, more and more hospitals rely on Honorary doctors. Honorary doctors will either be working exclusively on a freelance basis, or but it involves doctors involved at least partly a medical fee in addition to their permanent employment or practice. Dr. Wild doctor switching from Berlin acts at the interface between employers (hospitals, MVZ, practices) and the always increasingly important group of freelance honorary doctors. See for more on the company’s website – for more advice available woman Dr. wild anytime, Tel.

Francisco Arias Solis

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Max Joseph KAHN (1897-1953) the Sephardim call the Sephardim: ours. Under our means second to the Israelites, at first to those who bear Spanish names and speak Spanish; as there is no Spanish, apart from the Jews in Thessaloniki and there are no Jews who are not Spanish training, being Jewish or being Spanish is the same. Maximum Jose Kahn, Thessaloniki, Sephardic. Hour of Spain. THE voice of one of the our strike say the Spanish exiles had their own politico-literarios newspapers. Literary magazine insula, magazine of Arts and Sciences, whose resident contributors in the Argentina included Max Joseph Kahn, leading hebraist, Sephardic who was correspondent for the Sun, collaborator of La Gaceta Literaria and Revista de Occidente, and, during the Spanish war, Spain time, consul in Thessaloniki of the Republic and, later, Charge d’affaires at the legation in Athens was, author of novels and essays during his exile. Maximum Jose Kahn Nussbaum was born in Frankfurt-Main, in 1897 and died in Buenos Aires in 1953.

His family had been punished by the first world war. He studied literature and philosophy. Being very young published stories in the German newspaper Berliner Tageblatt, while developing other work, electrical engineering, Commerce, cars, art. In 1920 he arrived in Spain and after a brief stay in Madrid, settled in Seville, where he married Trudis Blumenfed, daughter of a Sevillian Sephardic. In 1926 he moved with his wife to Toledo, where he lived in a mansion, for ten years. He acquired Spanish nationality and thereafter made his literary production in Spanish language.

He published his articles under the pseudonym of Medina Azara, in prestigious journals, La Gaceta Literaria and Revista de Occidente. In Madrid, attended the gathering of the farm of Henar, among whose tertuliano Azana, Valle-Inclan and Ortega y Gasset, were among others. In 1937 to be appointed consul in Thessaloniki left the Toledo city, which was investigating traces of Sefarad, a year later, was appointed Charge d’affaires at the legation in Athens.


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Once became the first car, traditionally, and only for the person. Since the auto saved their long and carefully, and buy another one probably was not, the iron horse turned out to be a member of the family, handed down from father to his children, and when eventually die completely, it turned out a tragedy. To date, a car can be taken easily. First of all, because they occur in almost everyone. Also, buy the next car today is still easier to have a chance to take out a loan or to buy a used TC in effect for a penny. Yet the only circumstance remains unchanged. Auto is a good friend.

It is found well to feel comfortable behind the wheel. And to help out in a problematic situation, this fellow would not only when needed in a place immediately accessible. In a situation of financial crisis, your car and be able to profitable investment. After all, today was created Pawnshop, and therefore your car at once can be a significant saving for a rainy day. Happen in our life situations where finances are needed quickly in a fairly respectable number. Such positions are able to be provided and joyful, and sad.

In any case, the finance needed to find quickly. With a bank loan will have a lot of effort. So far, you've collected needed help, so long as a banking institution will think, and in addition, and as a result of the interpretation may refuse without reason. A Pawnshop for example you will not refuse in any case. You will be able to borrow under the guarantee of the machine, and need for this more than an hour. More than that, you basically do not have to go somewhere that TC could appreciate. Now we need to place an order online, you will immediately call back and hand, how much you can get for your car. And absolutely not important how much you're officially on the present site and how big your salary. For a loan of securities will be enough for the car, and of course, directly the passenger car. What's nicer to be able to sell you Pawnshop ton in a very short period of time. At this time, will not buy cars take weeks, because the search client, you simply will not be necessary. How much would the murdered neither had a car with her one hundred percent guarantee will buy in the Pawnshop, and again very soon and quite expensive. Your car is sick or you need money quickly? Now you do not have to make a proposal to implementation, and for weeks waiting for the right client. For your convenience, there are all prerequisites. The car will be loyal to the end and help in financial trouble as well as helped you as soon as possible to achieve destination.


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One of the most visible and expressive facial features women is that the shape and form can determine the temperament, character and sensitivity. Owners of the full, expressive lips are very passionate, therefore, such forms and irresistibly attractive opposite sex. And who is not satisfied with their lips, and nature has not endowed curvaceous, use different methods to emphasize them. In recent months, Rubio has been very successful. One of the most popular ways to achieve expression This part of the face – plastic lip. Allscripts helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. you on this matter and will help to understand one of the best plastic surgeons in Samara, Dr. Nikolai G.

At the moment, plastic surgery has several ways by decreasing the mouth: surgical and nonsurgical. For non-surgical methods include contour plastic lips – it is carried out using gels of acid: the lips injected gel. This type of Heightening the lips held under anesthetize and it only takes 30 minutes. Surgical techniques – conducted through a process designed to increase or decrease of the lips, change their shape by means of implants or own tissues.

Just here include the implantation of your own fat cells (lipofilling). Surgical procedures used to correct defects, scars, deformities and reduction. Plastic surgeon emphasis on the gels based on c acid as the most effective and safest way. At the moment, Clinic ofPlastic Surgery NG uses a contouring. This method makes it possible to make any form of the lips, the wishes of the patient z with virtually no risk of complications. This type of plasticity has the effect of 12-18 months, if temporary materials used for filling. Most popular products for plastics lips – this is . They will make your lips irresistible. Girls, be nice and charming.