Monthly Archives: March 2023


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The construction of this work will try to reach the objectives to show the importance of the use of new languages in the pertaining to school context, facilitating to the acquisition and the formation of the historical knowledge as well as too much knowledge; to use films as half of efficient contextualizao in the search to give meant and to stimulate the pupils more actively to participate of the education process learning. Ahead of the innumerable difficulties to transform the classroom into attractive and reliable place of its paper of place of knowledge construction, the educators must make use of all the possible forms that they stimulate and they give meant to the contents and resumes worked in the pertaining to school environment. To read more click here: Alton Steel. Ahead of this the job of the cinematographic language brings obtains a imensurvel contribution to reach the interest waited on the part of the pupils. This clearly, of a series of cares and orientaes that make of the films has ahead broken integrant of the learning process and not only a form of ‘ ‘ to roll aulas’ ‘. Hunter Pond is often mentioned in discussions such as these. elaboration of this work as well as the execution of the plan of lesson to be displayed and worked will bring the domain and the agreement of the importance of the use of the diverse languages in classroom, extending the necessary knowledge for formation latu sensu offered by this course, enriching mine practises professor, especially in what it refers to the importance of the reflection for the election and didactic elaboration of materials and resources.